Tech Blog

Thursday, 31 October 2019 09:11

Privacy Concerns on Social Media

Social media is a great way to stay connected with the people in your life. Share a post and update your friends and family on your kid’s first day of school, how work is going, or where you’re moving, in an instant.

Wednesday, 25 December 2019 09:02

Is Technology the Problem or Us?

Most of us can’t stand in a line without checking our phones. We can’t enjoy a walk without peeking at our notifications. We have to ask ourselves: is technology the problem? Or is it us?

Internet usage, devices, apps, and gaming systems parental controls. This topic can strike up various emotions in parents and in children. It is one of those hot-button topics that most parents will need to deal with at some point with their children. Whether or not you believe parental controls can help keep your kids safe is a personal decision. Our goal is not to tell you what to do but rather to provide insights into what is available.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:42

How do I recover my Gmail account?

In the hassle of dealing with multiple online accounts, there comes a time when you might forget a password. In particular, there's the problem of forgetting an important password, like the one for your Google and Gmail accounts. If this happens to you, then you'll have to recover that account manually.

Tuesday, 08 March 2022 12:21

How to multiply in Excel

While it's not as easy as tapping a few keys on a calculator, you can use Microsoft Excel to multiply numbers. In order to do this, you'll need to learn Excel's language a bit. But don't worry, in this guide, we'll go over what you need to know as we show you how to multiply in Excel.

So, you’ve figured out what a VPN is and you’re keen to snap up the best VPN for your needs. You may still have doubts though regarding just how effectively a VPN can keep you safe and secure while browsing. It’s perfectly understandable to be unsure, especially when VPN prices are so low that it feels too good to be true.

Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:50

The best antivirus software for 2022

In 2020, Google registered a record 2 million phishing websites. That worked out to a nearly 20% increase from the year before, with the company detecting an average of 46,000 new phishing websites every week.

Since then, phishing has been a big issue when online. The best way to protect yourself from viruses and malware is to steer clear of phishy looking sites and not respond to emails from shahs asking you to transfer funds to them.

Wednesday, 22 December 2021 09:10

How to record your computer screen

Need to create a how-to presentation for work? Want to share a fun gaming session with your friends? Recording your screen is a good way to accomplish both. The task is easier than you might think, as Windows 10/11, MacOS, and even Chrome OS have built-in tools that can get the job done. In this guide, we’ll show you how by using native, open-source, and paid third-party tools.

Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing application that's capable of creating complex and compelling documents. It can also perform very simple but useful tasks, like alphabetizing a list. Here's how to alphabetize lists in Microsoft Word.

Monday, 21 March 2022 08:40

How to recover unsaved Word documents

We’ve all been there. We’re so focused on working on a Word document that we may forget to save it and exit without thinking — not to mention system errors or Microsoft Word itself crashing. Conveniently, Microsoft provides a useful feature for the program that can recover everything you might have lost.

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