Tech Blog

My mother never enjoyed watching soap operas. She got all the cat fights, backstabbing, and juicy gossip she could stand from the office building she worked in for three decades. I'm sure she found those actors on soap operas boring compared to the real-world, up-close-and-personal melodrama she had to endure at work.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020 16:52

10 Steps to Better, Stronger Passwords

When you are stuck with password-only, single-factor authentication, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk and improve your password security.

Thursday, 22 July 2021 12:34

Top 5 Risky Internet Behaviors

The Internet is not a safe place. We see that more than ever with the security breaches of businesses and individuals in the news daily. As Internet citizens, we need to protect ourselves because not all online services will. Many user activities put us at high risk for malware infection, system compromise, social engineering attacks, and/or information disclosure. You must recognize these actions in your behavior and work toward reducing them.

The use of public networks is risky. Whether wireless or wired, any public access Internet connection is putting you and your data at risk. It may be convenient to use a hotel, restaurant, or coffee shop Internet link, but the likelihood of attack or compromise is greater than accessing a private network.

Monday, 19 July 2021 12:20

Top Five Big Data Architectures

Given the speed of today’s market, companies that want to stay at the forefront of their industries cannot afford to make mistakes, particularly when it comes to housing and analysis of critical data. As data technology continues to evolve, the once cutting-edge approach of planning data architecture that will last for three to five years is quickly becoming outdated.

Some employees are not as well-versed in their company’s security policy as they should be. This may result in workers performing tasks that might seem innocent on the surface, but they put the organization at risk of a security breach.

Tuesday, 03 August 2021 11:55

How to Plan a Career Path in Cybersecurity

The field of cybersecurity is proliferating so quickly that there are a plethora of positions sitting open waiting to be filled by qualified individuals. Cybersecurity is the arena of technology, methodology, and practice that focuses on protecting electronic information and the systems supporting it against compromise and attack.

You have the technical know-how, you’ve developed your tech skills, and you have some great experience under your belt. But for every IT professional, there comes a point when the realization hits: technical skill will only get you so far. You may have your foot in the door (or the IT cave), but in order to advance your career and set yourself apart, you need to bolster a critical soft skill: learning effective communication skills for IT professionals.

Friday, 05 November 2021 11:21

10 Excel Features You Need to Know About

From analyzing your data and allowing to ask natural language questions to working with and building huge data models, this version of Excel has a lot to offer. These are some of the best features that Excel has to offer. Some haven’t finished their evolution yet either.

Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:28

How to deep clean your keyboard and mouse

No one likes to use a dirty keyboard and mouse. A wipe here and a spray of compressed air there will help you keep your peripherals clean, but this routine only goes so far. To get your devices looking brand new, you need to know how to deep clean your keyboard and mouse.

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We take care of the modern-day tool of business (Information Technology) to allow our clients to focus on their business goals and objectives.

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