Tech Blog

A dangerous piece of spyware that eavesdrops on anyone who downloads it has been discovered by researchers. The dodgy Android app keeps track of your location and records you through your devices’ microphones, according to a report.

With cybercrime on the rise, it’s important to know if your information has been breached. Here’s how: Today, cybercriminals target our data in a wide variety of ways: fake texts, malware-laden links, and even fraudulent mail that impersonates government officials.

A Brit who plunged into a crevasse while snowboarding has told the incredible story of how his iPhone saved his life. Tim Blakely, 41, was boarding 10,000 feet up a Swiss mountain off-piste and alone when he fell 15 feet down a hidden gap in the ice.

If you’ve cheaped out on your iPhone cable, you could be in for a shock. Fake chargers are often made with poor quality components and have been blamed for lethal electrocutions and house fires. In fact, a safety report found that 98 percent of phony Apple cables put consumers at risk.

Gmail has a clean, simple interface but there’s more under the hood than meets the eye. There are tons of hidden hacks and tricks for optimizing your Gmail experience  including unsending a strongly worded email. Over 300 billion emails were sent per day in 2020 and loads of them were written, sent and received on Google’s Gmail platform.

Your old iPhone might still have some life in it – so don’t upgrade just yet. If you’ve had an iPhone for a few years, there are some clever tricks to make it feel new again.

Friday, 26 November 2021 18:03

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Privacy Online

The Internet is not automatically a secure or safe place to be.
Various governments are perusing a significant portion of Internet-based activities under the banner of protecting their citizens from terrorists or other adversaries. There are also APT (advanced persistent threat) groups actively seeking access to your communications, personal/private data, and online accounts.

Thursday, 12 March 2020 17:48

12 Challenges Facing IT Professionals

IT is rife with opportunity and challenges. There are plenty of options to learn new and exciting skills, and also to earn high salaries. But new technologies have disrupted the industry, and IT staff and management aren’t always on the same page.

Dealing with a mess of spare cables is an ongoing struggle, even if you’re not a tech enthusiast. To keep those spare micro USB and HDMI cables from piling up, I have a few tips and tricks I use to cull down my cable collection and organize what I have.

Everyone’s shiny tech hides a dirty secret: A mess of cables that are as unsightly as they are annoying. Cable management may seem like a daunting task, but with a few of our cable management tips and a little bit of patience, you can keep your tech looking tidy.

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