Tech Blog

Monday, 27 December 2021 17:12

How to boost your cell signal

There are few things more frustrating than experiencing a poor signal on your cell phone. From dropped calls to messages that won’t send and streaming services that stutter and die, a lack of solid signal can cause all kinds of inconveniences.

Does your iPhone or iPad not have enough storage for you? Well, thankfully, despite the proprietary Lightning connector on iPhones and most iPads, you can still access files stored on an external drive.

Wednesday, 22 December 2021 17:04

How to convert a PDF to JPG

You downloaded a file and want to share it, but there’s just one problem: It’s a PDF, and you really need a JPG. Thankfully, there are a few different options for converting a PDF to a JPG that make the process easier than ever.

Thursday, 23 December 2021 16:51

How to factory reset an iPhone

At some point in a device’s life comes the time of the dreaded memory wipe. This could be because you’re parting company, and you want to make sure it’s clean of any of your personal data. Or it could simply be that it’s become old and creaky, is struggling under the weight of its year, and it desperately needs a new lease of life. In those cases, a factory reset is a useful option.

Thursday, 23 December 2021 16:25

How to take a screenshot on a Chromebook

How to take a screenshot on a Chromebook boils down to a couple of keyboard shortcuts. We rounded up what those shortcuts are, as well as a slate of tips for what to do with them on Chrome OS.

If you’re looking to clean up your Gmail inbox, but youdon’t want to delete anything permanently, then choosing the archive option is your best bet. Whenever you archive an email, it is removed from your inbox folder while remaining accessible. Here’s how to access any emails you have archived previously, as well as how to move such messages back to your regular inbox for fast access.

Nothing is quite as impersonal and boring as the generic background already loaded on your computer. Whether it’s a drop of water or a landscape view of a place you’ve never been, it’s time to change it to something more reflective of you.

Saturday, 25 December 2021 15:24

How to increase your internet speed

There is nothing more frustrating than your internet moving along at a snail’s pace. Webpages take forever to load, and games and streaming services experience lag. With Zoom meetings becoming a more regular occurrence, any significant slowdown in your internet makes working at home much more difficult, too.

Tuesday, 28 December 2021 14:59

9 ways to make video calls on your TV

It’s hard to think of one technology that has been more central to our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic than video calling. And even if we finally get back to “normal," there’s a very good chance that video calling will remain a key tool in both our careers and our personal lives.

When you snap a photo on your iPhone or iPad, the iOS Camera app automatically uses GPS to record the exact location where the shot was taken. This is an enormous convenience, as it allows you to catalog your many images according to exact location as well as occasion. It assists in sorting out photo shoots and helps keep track of family and friends over the years.

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