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Find that your Android device slows down all the time and can't run new apps? It might be time to replace your phone. When you buy a new Android smartphone, you expect it to last. A well-made phone should be useful for several years, at least. As time goes on, however, you'll notice your phone starts to lose its shine, no matter how well you take care of it.

Want to better organize your emails and take back control of your inbox? Here's how to use color coded labels in Gmail to boost your productivity. Keeping up with your emails can be time-consuming, tedious, and overwhelming. Inboxes can fill up quickly, and an unruly inbox can seem like a hole that you'll never find your way out of. But it doesn't have to be that way!

Want to get rid of background noise in videos on your Android device? Follow this step-by-step guide to do just that for free. Background noise can ruin an otherwise good video by making it near-impossible to hear what the speaker in the video is saying. Fortunately, there are many apps that can help remove background noise from a video on Android. But most of these are paid apps.

Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:05

How to Format Text in Messenger: Bold, Italics, and More

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How to Format Text in Messenger: Bold, Italics, and More

Facebook Messenger on PC supports formatting, allowing you to bold, underline, and emphasize text. Here's how.

Ways to Fix a Windows PC That Won't Maximize Programs From the Taskbar

If your taskbar apps have suddenly gotten very shy, here's how to fix programs when they don't maximize on Windows.

Unresponsive tapping, swiping, or zoom-pinching? Here's why your tablet touchscreen stopped working and how to fix it. We've all been there. Tapping, swiping or zoom-pinching, there's often a moment when the touchscreen display on your tablet refuses to respond. How do you overcome this, and achieve tablet-tapping Zen?

Need to transfer files from one PC to another? Here's how to do that quickly and easily, using both hardware and software. When you buy a new computer, you'll want to transfer most of your existing files from the old one. Whether you want to take all your data or only the essentials, there are quick and simple ways to transfer files from PC to PC.

Saturday, 18 June 2022 12:14

Should You Leave Your Laptop Plugged in All the Time?

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Is it better to keep your laptop plugged in, or use it on battery power? Turns out, the answer isn't entirely straightforward. At one point or another, all laptop users find themselves pondering the same question: is it bad to leave your laptop plugged in all the time? Turns out, the answer isn't entirely straightforward. So let's take a look.

Sunday, 25 August 2019 11:41

How to Spot Unsafe Email Attachments: 6 Red Flags

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Reading an email should be safe, but attachments can be harmful. Look for these red flags to spot unsafe email attachments. Email remains a prominent attack vector for hackers, cybercriminals, snoopers, and other online miscreants. As such, it's vital that you know how to spot an unsafe email attachment.

Instagram Has a Hidden Folder of DMs: How to Find and Use It

Instagram's Hidden Requests folder filters certain messages, hiding them from your main inbox.

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We take care of the modern-day tool of business (Information Technology) to allow our clients to focus on their business goals and objectives.

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