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Friday, 25 March 2022 14:15

How to resize an image in Photoshop

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Photoshop is not just an application for professionals who require a powerful image editor. It’s also a versatile program that an average user who doesn’t have a deep understanding of editing digital images can benefit from in many ways. One of the most commonly used components of Photoshop is its resize tool.

Friday, 25 March 2022 13:26

How to add a column in Excel

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Microsoft Excel is a powerful database management tool with all sorts of in-depth problem-solving functions and dynamic formatting. To make the most of it, though, you need to know the basics. Adding a column in Microsoft Excel is quick and easy. You can do it in just a few quick steps once you've learned how.

Monday, 28 March 2022 13:18

Use Google Chrome on Mac? You need to update now

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Google has sent out a necessary update for the Chrome web browser for the Mac to address a major security hole that was discovered on March 23. The bug, called  CVE-2022-1096, was documented in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system by Google developer Prudhvi Kumar Bomman, after an anonymous security researcher discovered a hole in Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine that left it vulnerable to exploits.

We all regularly use the internet nowadays for a variety of different purposes. Whether it’s to keep in touch with friends and family, to work from home, or to conduct our banking and bill paying online, it’s important to be secure. One of the best ways to keep yourself secure and your activity private is to use a VPN.

Friday, 25 March 2022 12:20

What is email spoofing?

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As phishing attempts grow more advanced, so do the efforts to imitate real organizations, which make it easier to trick unsuspecting recipients into divulging valuable information or assets. A common tactic here is spoofing an email, or making it look like it came from somewhere it didn’t.

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